Joint Working Journal #13
Welcome to the West Glamorgan ‘Joint Working Journal’!
Stay tuned for regular updates on our regional programmes of work and other interesting tidbits relating to the partnership space.
Welcome to the latest edition of the West Glamorgan Joint Working Journal. This entry is a 2-for-1 as Steering and Advisory Boards (SABs) 1 and 2 were held just a week apart (29th October and 5th November respectively).
Here are a few highlights…
Communities and Older People Programme (SAB1)
SAB1 members received an update on the Communities and Older People programme, with a focus on two key workstreams – Prevention and Early Intervention and the Regional Frailty Strategy.
The Prevention and Early Intervention workstream aims to help individuals maintain their independence and stay healthy at home, thereby helping to reduce the demand on community and hospital services.
To date, two out of three workshops have been conducted, establishing a vision and themes for early intervention, as well as a service mapping and data analysis exercise to identify regional gaps and opportunities.
The Regional Frailty Strategy workstream is a new initiative being developed in collaboration with Swansea Bay University Health Board. Its aim is to create a comprehensive support system for individuals with frailty in West Glamorgan. The first workshop, held on 17th October, helped identify the following key strategic themes:
• Education on frailty
• Identification of frailty
• Supporting people to live well with frailty at home.
This strategy will integrate with other ongoing workstreams, including prevention, early intervention, and falls prevention. Further engagement activities are being planned to refine and implement these themes.
Carers Partnership Programme (SAB1)
An exciting update from the Carers Partnership Programme was the announcement of the appointment of the new Carers Liaison Officer, Rebecca Platt. Rebecca has just started her role which is based within NPTCVS and funded via the Regional Integration Fund. She brings with her a wealth of lived experience and is eager to continue fostering positive relationships with unpaid carers and organisations that offer support across our region.
One of Rebecca’s duties will be to Chair the Carers Liaison Forum, which will undergo a review and relaunch in early 2025.
Board members were also informed of some challenges within the Carers Partnership Programme in respect of its current structure and governance. The Programme Lead has agreed to a review of the approach going forward, ensuring this work continues to be delivered effectively and efficiently. While significant progress has been made in this area, there is still work to do to transform the lives of unpaid carers across the region.
Wellbeing and Learning Disability (SAB2)
The transport work (priority 1 in the Regional Learning Disability Strategy) is now nearing its conclusion. The travel charter, transport workshop report and transport film are all in their final stages of completion – you can view the transport video on our West Glamorgan Vimeo channel: https://vimeo.com/995713927/e98aab1107
Work has now started on the strategy’s next priority area – Getting the Right Care and Support.
The development of a virtual forum for people with learning disabilities is also in the pipeline. If you or anyone you know would be interested in getting involved, we’d love to hear from you! – www.westglamorgan.org.uk/contact
Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health (SAB2)
The Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Programme update included the news that Dr Zoe Fisher has now started her role as Clinical Programme Lead. Zoe brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience which will be pivotal for the implementation of the Regional Emotional and Mental Wellbeing Strategy. Part of Zoe’s role is to explore ‘what wellbeing means for us’ to inform a new wellbeing framework for the region. This framework will ensure our services align with strategic priorities. Additionally, work is progressing on a new commissioning model for third sector mental health services.
Dementia (SAB2)
Several initiatives are currently underway in terms of Dementia support. Firstly, Memory Assessment Clinics across the region are embarking on a comprehensive process mapping exercise with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of the pathways in and out of the service, ensuring that every step of the patient journey is optimised.
Improvement Cymru is collaborating with one of the Memory Assessment Service teams to develop a self-assessment programme. This innovative approach will provide valuable insights into what the team is doing well and identify areas for improvement.
In terms of our Regional Dementia Strategy, engagement planning is now in full swing. In the coming months, there will be numerous opportunities for people living with dementia, unpaid carers, and professionals to get involved. This inclusive approach ensures that a wide range of perspectives are captured to help shape the strategy.
The Baglan Listening Campaign continues to gather invaluable feedback about dementia support and services within the community. This feedback is crucial in understanding the needs and experiences of those affected by dementia and will inform future improvements. Plans are also now in place to roll out a Listening Campaign for the north of Swansea. This will aim to replicate the success of the Baglan campaign, ensuring that voices from all parts of our region are heard and considered.
Finally, we are pleased to share that the British Red Cross has been awarded funding for the Dementia Connector pilot for our region. This pilot project will play a pivotal role in connecting people with dementia to the resources and support they need, enhancing their quality of life.
Dementia Action Plan for Wales – Have Your Say: On the 18th of November Welsh Government launched a survey aiming to gather people’s views on the areas they should focus on throughout the engagement process for a new dementia plan. Find out more by visiting Dementia action plan survey | GOV.WALES
That’s all from us for now, we’ll be back with more updates after the next SAB! 😊