Volunteers Wanted!
If you’d like to have your voice heard and help shape health and social care services in a positive and meaningful way, please read this page for more information.
The West Glamorgan Regional Partnership is one of seven regional collaboratives operating across Wales. Our membership includes:
- Swansea Bay University Health Board
- Swansea Council
- Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council
- Organisations from the Third and Independent sectors
- Volunteer Representatives (including Unpaid Carers).
Our aim as a partnership is to help services work more closely and efficiently. We can all achieve more by sharing resources, avoiding duplication and improving communication.
Getting Involved
If you’d like to have your voice heard and help shape health and social care services in a positive and meaningful way, please complete the form below. A role description is also available, which provides more detail on what your involvement would entail.
You can complete the form electronically and email it to west.glamorgan@swansea.gov.uk, or print it out and return it via post to the following address:
West Glamorgan Regional Partnership Office
c/o Swansea Council
Civic Centre
Oystermouth Road
If you require any further information, please feel free to contact West Glamorgan’s
Volunteer Representative Coordinator via email at west.glamorgan@swansea.gov.uk, or telephone 07584 491 980.